Foundation Crack Repair 2018-09-24T17:01:12+00:00



Whenever residents of Santa Rosa require expert foundation crack repair, they call on us. Our company has years of experience and offers affordable pricing in foundation troubles. Overall, there are various types of foundation and wall crack repairs needed. Poured foundations or a concrete block may break for several reasons. The issues could be many since there are several signs or causes to be on the lookout for. Some of them are:

  • Buckling or bulging foundation walls
  • Shrinkage cracks that occur whenever the concrete dries too quick
  • Vertical or horizontal cracks on the wall
  • Foundation wall may have expansive pushing coming from the clay soil
  • Unsupported or soft soils located under the foundation
  • Sliding or pushing at the bottom or top of the wall
  • Diagonal or stair step cracking

In addition to these, there are other outcomes that may lead to your property or home requiring foundation crack repair. Irrespective of the cause, our team of expert foundation crack repairs in Santa Rosa can be there right away. We can examine your foundation and walls. This will allow us to determine not only the cause, but also the solution to your problem.

Typically, the majority of property owners have cracks in their foundations repaired for several reasons. For instance, items or the property itself can be damaged whenever it rains. When that occurs, a person will require basement leak repairs or basement waterproofing. Non-structural wall cracks are normal and can stem from shrinkage, among other things. The only problem is that these cracks need to be examined by a foundation structural specialist before they are repaired. Otherwise, you will end up wasting money by not identifying, addressing solving the real foundation problems. You will also not address the real cause of the problem which can lead to bigger issues down the line.

We have a team of experienced foundation crack repair professionals at the ready. They can assess whether the problem is simple or a structural issue that is much greater. Knowing the difference can save you time, money and extensive damage to your property in the long run.


Some of the things which sets us apart from other companies is our experience, pricing, professionalism and competency. We provide our clients with a satisfaction guarantee on all of our work. Our company’s method for repairing foundation cracks consist of a dual process methodology unlike anywhere else. No wonder the people of Santa Rosa, California depend on us for any foundation crack repair solutions. We are regarded as the property structure damage solution experts. Call or visit us today to have one of our professionals come by and inspect the property. We can then let you know exactly what steps need to be taken to stabilize and repair your foundation permanently.

How Can Our Foundation Team Help

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